Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Our FAQ currently contains 2 answered questions. We recommend using the search function, but you can also select from the alphabetical categories below to find the item you are looking for. Keep in mind that most questions start with the same word so choosing W from the alphabetical list will return all questions starting with what or why and so on. You can refine your search by selecting how the search engine must compare your search words against the questions.

Only 10 results will be shown per page. Navigational links will be available in the toolbar just before and after the result list when there are more then 10 results.

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What is my username?

All e-Article subscribers are supplied with a username to access the registered user area via e-mail as soon as their subscription has been confirmed. If you are a subscriber and would like to find out why you have not yet received your username, you can send an e-mail to our support department to query your status. However if you have been supplied with a username, but have forgotten what it is, it can be e-mailed to you by simply clicking on the question mark directly after the username field on our login page.

Where and how can I login?

In order to login to our registered user area you must be an imagine e-article subscriber and also be in possession of a valid username and password which will be supplied to you. Once the above conditions have been met you can use any of several ways to login, but the quickest way is to click on the key button on the toolbar in the top right corner of the page. A popup with username and password fields will be displayed. Simply enter your credentials and click the arrow button. To use this method scripting must be both supported and enabled in your browser. Alternatively you can click on the login item on the main menubar just underneath our logo image which will refresh your browser and display the standard login page.